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My Top Three Time Management Tools

July 27, 2019

Kids, teens and adults often struggle with time management. From school to homework to after-school sports, etc., it often feels that there is not enough time in the day to get things done. Fortunately, there are several ways that you can gain more control over your time. Here are my top three time management tips:


Create a Time Audit

One of the best ways to better manage your time is to take a look at how you are using your time. Make a list of the various activities that you engage in each day and write the amount of time it takes to complete each task. Next, look at where you may be wasting time and consider cutting out activities that do not serve you. 

Always Focus

Sometimes it takes a long time to complete a task because people multitask a bit too much. Often, a problem with multitasking is that a person spreads themselves too thin and completes small parts of many tasks but fail to complete one. Make sure to always place your entire focus on a single task if you find that multitasking is leaving many tasks half-done.


Often, the problem with a lack of time is that we are simply doing too much. I know my mom understands this, as do so many parents, kids and teens. We live in a day and age where we are constantly busy with too much, as they say, on our plates. My advice is to find ways to delegate some of the tasks you are responsible for whether it be hiring a dog walker to hiring a virtual assistant for business tasks. 



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